February 15-16, 2024
CZU Ceremonial Hall
Prague, Czech Republic
Thank you very much for your participation at the conference. We are looking forward to see you again (at least in 2026)!

Our mission is to bring together scientists working on all fields of virology research from basic to applied and clinical science. We hope that this conference increase the overall awareness of the cutting edge virology research and will serve to stimulate scientific exchange and create opportunities for new collaborations among the participants.
The conference will cover a diverse range of topics, including virus ecology, evolution, epidemiology, plant virology, clinical virology, anviral compounds, virus-host interactions, antiviral immunity, molecular and structural virology, biochemistry of viral proteins and many more…
The conference will be held in English.

Registration fees

1000 CZK for students and members of ČSBMB, 2000 CZK others. Free admission for Ukrainian and Israeli scientists. Do you want to save? Become CSBMB member!

Venue of the conference will be located in Aula of CZU in central part of CZU campus. See campus MAP for better orientation.
Invited speakers

Manfred Weidmann
Medizinische Hochschule Brandenburg, Germany

Joep van Mierlo
Veterinarians without borders, Belgium

Johannes Peham
Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Thursday, February 15th:
- 11:00 – Registration
- 13:00 – Conference opening by the prof. Petr Sklenička, rector of ČZU
- 13:30 – Lecture 1: COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia: From the Early Days to Today (Boris Klempa)
- 13:50 – Lecture 2: Looking back at the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of the Institute of Virology BMC SAS (Juraj Kopáček)
- 14:10 – Lecture 3: Multiscale characterization of natural amino acid substitutions in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of SARS-CoV-2 (Matěj Danda)
- 14:30 – Lecture 4: Insights into SARS-CoV-2 Evolution from Yeast Display and Recent Developments (Jiri
Zahradnik) - 14:50 – Lecture 5: Medicinal chemistry of influenza and bunyavirus polymerases (Milan Kožíšek)
- 15:10 – Coffee break
- 15:40 – Lecture 6: Particular Molecular Pattern Re-discovered in Hop Stunt Viroid Sequences from Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) in Slovakia – Chasing a “Cold Case” Story of Host Adaptation (Peter Alaxin)
- 16:00 – Lecture 7: HBV-induced microenvironment reduces pDC response to TLR7/9 stimulation (Olena Berehovska)
- 16:20 – Lecture 8: Adaptive Evolution in Action: Avian Leukosis Virus Responds Swiftly to Biotechnologically-Induced Host Resistance (Magda Matoušková)
- 16:40 – Lecture 9: Cellular lipid metabolism: the Achilles’ heel of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (Božena Omasta)
- 17:00 – Coffee break
- 17:30 – Key-note lecture I: MOBILISE: A novel and green mobile One Health laboratory for (re-)emerging infectious disease outbreaks (Johannes Peham)
- 18:30 – Poster session and conference dinner
- 22:00 – Social gathering
Friday, February 16th:
- 8:30 – Key-note lecture II: From mobile field lab to minoo & excursion to the emergence of Aquaviruses (Manfred Weidmann)
9:30 – Lecture 10: Asymmetric reconstructions of immature Tick-borne encephalitis virus particles reveal assembly mechanism of Flaviviruses (Tibor Füzik)
9:50 – Lecture 11: Particle asymmetry reveals mechanisms of flavivirus assembly and maturation (Pavel Plevka)
10:10 – Lecture 12: Seeing is believing: Characterization of novel recombinant reporter Tick-Borne Encephalitis virus expressing a fluorescent protein for real-time infection visualization (Michaela Dušková)
10:30 – Coffee break
11:00 – Lecture 13: Regulation of HBV precore protein maturation is driven by its signal peptide sequence (Helena Zábranská)
11:20 – Lecture 14: Divergent infectivity dynamics of immature tick-borne and mosquito-borne flaviviruses: a paradigm shift in prM-containing particle infectivity mechanisms (Jiří Holoubek)
11:40 – Lecture 15: Out of the comfort zone: Challenging the gammaretroviral expression stability with integration retargeting and heterochromatin knock-in (Martina Slavková)
12:00 – Key-note lecture III: Dilution of Biodiversity: A Risk Factor for the Emergence of Zoonotic Diseases around the Forest Massif of the Central Basin and the Contribution of the Local Animal Health and Surveillance Network in the Fight Against Zoonoses (Joep van Mierlo)
- 13:00 – Conference closing, and the best poster and presentation awards announcement
- 13:15 – Coffee break
Additional event, Friday, February 16th:
Lecture and poster parameters
- Lectures: 15 minutes long + 5 minutes of discussion
- Posters: format A0, oriented vertically
Book of abstracts